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锅炉配件筒体 翻斗卷筒轴规格

  • 价格范围:电议或面议
  • 供应数量:1
  • 所在区域:江苏
  • 产品类别: 锅炉 >锅炉配件
  • 发布时间:2015-12-20 02:32:22
翻斗卷筒轴ゴ136 8526 2969ギ常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司 联轴器功能是用来把两轴联接在一起,机器运转时两轴不能分离,只有机器停车并将联接拆开后,两轴才能分离。联轴器所联接的两轴,由于制造及安装误差,承载后的变形以及温度变化的影响等,会引起两轴相对位置的变化,往往不能保证严格的对中。根据联轴器有无弹性元件、对各种相对位移有无补偿能力,即能否在发生相对位移条件下保持联接功能以及联轴器的用途等。The coupling function is used to put the two together, the two can not be separated when the machine is running, only the machine stop.open the connection, the two axes can be separated. Coupling connection shafts, as the manufacture.installation errors, the deformation of loading.temperature changes, will cause the change of the relative position of two axes, often fail to ensure strict. According to the coupling of the elastic element, the relative displacement of a variety of non compensation, that is, the occurrence of the relative displacement of the function.the use of coupling.常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司 地址:江苏省常州市武进区洛阳镇虞桥章家头50-1号 销售电话:0519-88727780/ 88727580 传 真:0519-88727880 手 机:13685262969 Q  Q :2249080673 邮 箱:[email protected] 主动炉排片:www.cz-boiler.net. 锅炉配件:www.whboiler.com. 炉排减速器:www.glfj.net. 翻斗卷筒轴:www.wh-boiler.com. 螺旋出渣机:www.cz-boiler.com.cn. 离心式热油泵:www.wry006.com. 高温导热油泵:www.wry002.com. 导热油泵配件:www.wry008.com. WRY导热油泵:www.wry003.com. 耐腐蚀化工泵:www.wyryb.com. 出渣机配件:http://glboiler.cn.alibaba.com. 武研导热油泵:http://wrypump.cn.alibaba.com. 2015.12.18 小陈
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