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厂家货源足 锅炉减速装置 蜗轮

  • 价格范围:电议或面议
  • 供应数量:1
  • 所在区域:江苏
  • 产品类别: 锅炉 >锅炉配件
  • 发布时间:2015-12-20 02:30:13
蜗轮蜗杆调速箱ゴ136 8526 2969ギ常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司 电机联轴器找正同心度标准误差的范围,电机的转速越高,找电动机轴与机械轴的同心度就越高。需针对高速、钢性联轴器电机找正(3000r/min):涨口误差小于0.02mm;水平误差小于0.01mm。工具:量块或塞尺(又称块规)测量联轴器张口,轴向间隙。百分表式千分尺,测量联轴器水平,径向间隙。磁性表座、表卡子,用于支撑百分表的专用工具。The standard error of the motor shaft coupling is found in the range of the standard error. The higher the speed of the motor is, the higher the degree of the motor shaft.the mechanical axis. For high speed, steel coupling motor to find positive (3000r/min): the rise of the error is less than 0.02mm; the level of error is less than 0.01mm. Tools: block.feeler (also called block) measuring coupling mouth, axial clearance. Dial micrometer for measuring the coupling level, radial clearance. Magnetic table, table clamp, special tool for supporting the dial indicator.常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司 地址:江苏省常州市武进区洛阳镇虞桥章家头50-1号 销售电话:0519-88727780/ 88727580 传 真:0519-88727880 手 机:13685262969 Q  Q :2249080673 邮 箱:[email protected] 主动炉排片:www.cz-boiler.net. 锅炉配件:www.whboiler.com. 炉排减速器:www.glfj.net. 翻斗卷筒轴:www.wh-boiler.com. 螺旋出渣机:www.cz-boiler.com.cn. 离心式热油泵:www.wry006.com. 高温导热油泵:www.wry002.com. 导热油泵配件:www.wry008.com. WRY导热油泵:www.wry003.com. 耐腐蚀化工泵:www.wyryb.com. 出渣机配件:http://glboiler.cn.alibaba.com. 武研导热油泵:http://wrypump.cn.alibaba.com. 2015.12.18 小陈
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