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HF系列全自动氩弧(等离子)环缝焊接机 HF Series Automatic TIG (Plasma) Circular Seam Welding Machine 整机特性: 1. 全自动氩弧(等离子)环缝焊机主要用于不锈钢、铁、铝、黄铜等各种金属的圆形,椭圆形及异形的高质量环缝焊接; 2. 根据焊接工件的形状和尺寸可设计成卧式和立式结构; 3. 工件旋转由变频电机+减速机+三爪夹紧的驱动方式,运动平稳,无级调速; 4. 工件压紧、松开以及焊枪进退均采用汽缸驱动,并且焊枪具有精密微动调节机构,以便焊枪与焊缝形成最佳方位; 5. 控制系统采用PLC或继电器集成化控制,操作界面可靠简单,修改维护方便; 6. 可任意匹配各种类型弧焊电源(氩弧焊/CO2焊/埋弧焊/等离子弧焊)。 Main Features.Applications  Automatic TIG (Plasma) Circular Seam Welding Machine mainly used for the high quality circular welding of round shape ,oval shape.special shape made with stainless steel, iron, aluminum.brass, etc;  According to the shape.size of each welding part, the machine can be designed as Horizontal Type.Vertical Type ;  The Workpiece rotation driving mechanism is composed with converter motor, reduction box ,.three-jaw clamp, travel steadily with step less adjustable speed;  Clamp axle.fixing system pressing down , releasing.retreat , welding torch’s action all are driven by air cylinders , furthermore welding torch has been equipped with precision micro-adjustment mechanism to get the best welding position;  Control system adopts PLC.Relay integrated control, reliable.simple interface , easily ..maintenance;  Apply to cooperate welding with TIG, MIG, MAG, SAW.Plasma-Arc welding source. 主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameters   额定输入电源 Input power supply Single Phase 220V, 50/60Hz   电机功率 Motor power 100W-1500W   气源压力 Gas source pressure 0.4-0.6Mpa   最大焊接工件直径 Max welding diameter 定做(Customized)   焊接速度 Welding Speed 300-1500mm/min
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