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FN系列交流滚焊机 FN Series AC Rolling Seam Welding Machine 整机特性 1. 包含两种标准机型:横缝滚焊机和纵缝滚焊机; 2. 一台机器也可以同时具备横缝焊接和纵缝焊接两种功能,只要将转换一下上电极轮的方向和更换一下下电极臂,就可以轻松地完成两种焊接方式的切换; 3. 单轮采用三相无极调速驱动,焊接速度调整方便,保证上下两轮切线速度一致; 4. 采用可调行程气缸加压,避免上下电极碰撞损伤; 5. 广泛应用于五金、家电、汽车、摩托车油箱、制盆、、水槽、制罐等金属制造和加工行业。 Main Features  There are two standard Types: Transversal Seam Welding Machine.Longitudinal Seam Welding Machine;  Also one machine can be used as both transversal seam welding.longitudinal seam welding, only need to change the direction of upper welding wheel.the lower welding head.change the welding arm;  Welding wheel adopt three-phase infinitely adjustable-speed drives,convenient to welding speed adjusting,the two welding wheels have the same tangential speed;  Adopt adjustable stroke cylinder,to avoid collision damage between upper.lower welding wheel;  Driven one head.free the other head;  Widely used in hardware, appliances, automotive, manufacturing pots, can, fuel tank, tank producing.other metal manufacturing.processing industries. 主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameters 项目 Item 型号 Model 额定 容量 额定初 级电压 额定 频率 最大短 路电流 电极 行程 焊接 速度 电极 压力 电动机 电源 电动机 功率 冷却 水流量 重量 Rated Capacity Rated Primary Voltage Rated Frequency Maximum Short Current Electrode Stroke Welding Speed Electrode Pressure Motor Power Source Motor Power Cooling Water Flow Weight KVA V Hz A mm M/min KN V W L/min Kg FN-35 35 380 50/60 13000 50 0.6-2 2.5 3-380V 90 30 400 FN-50 50 380 50/60 15000 50 0.6-2 2.5 3-380V 90 30 500 FN-75 75 380 50/60 18000 50 0.6-2 3.9 3-380V 150 30 650 FN-100 100 380 50/60 20000 50 0.6-2 4.7 3-380V 150 30 880 FN-150 150 380 50/60 26000 50 0.6-2 6.1 3-380V 150 40 1050 FN-200 200 380 50/60 31000 50 0.6-2 6.1 3-380V 150 40 1250
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