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MP45/2 馒头机

1.MP45/2馒头机是我公司总结各种馒头机特点,而重新设计的产品,尤其适用于加工精粉馒头。加工的成品成形好,外形光滑,食用口感香甜,并增加白度。 2.该机传动效率高,结构紧凑;馒头大小调整方便,有三种成型盘供客户选择。 3.定量部分采用机械离合机构,安全、可靠且维修方便。 1.On the basis of adopting the advantages of like machines, the MP45/2 model dough divider rounder is produced with unique design. The food produced by this machine shows good colour, regular.sleek shape,and also taste fragrant.sweet. 2.It has the characters of high efficiency.compact structure. The size of the finished dough ball can be adjusted easily with four molding-dies 3.Clutch as the weight controlling part is more reliable,safer.more convenient to be maintained.operated. 型号   产量  (千克/小时) 外型尺寸 (mm) 机重 (千克) 电机配置   馒头重量(克/个)   MP45/2 280 680×360×960 153 Y90S-4/1.5kw 30~150


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