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calorimeter\Calorific value

  • 所在区域: 河南
  • 价格范围: 面议
  • 发布日期: 2014-12-09 03:42:31
  • 有 效 期: 长期有效
  • 供应数量: 1
  • 鹤壁蓝博仪器仪表有限公司
  • 联 系 人: 肖经理(女士)总经理
  • 电  话: -03922669515
  • 移动电话: 13839247305
  • 传  真: -0392
  • 地  址: 鹤壁市山城区奔流街西段20号
ZDHW-6B microcomputer automatic calorimeter performance characteristics: Automatic injection, drainage, not to spill the water, no need of adjusting water temperature. We adopt scientific and effective algorithm, automatic correction of constant, high accuracy data. The system is stable and reliable, and can process the data experiments. ■ 采用串口通信技术,故障率低。使用环境要求宽松。 - by using serial port communication technology, low failure rate. Use loose environment requirements. - be prepared another refrigeration system Technical parameters of ZDHW-6B microcomputer automatic calorimeter: - measuring accuracy: meet the national standard GB/T213-2008 - use of the environment: 5 DEG -40 DEG - temperature resolution: 0.0001 C AC220V±15%,50Hz - power supply voltage: AC220V + 15%, 50Hz
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