标段编号: | GC530000202100216001001 |
标段名称: | 德国促进贷款楚雄医药高等专科学校建设教学实验基地项目教学设备采购 |
变更内容: |
Bid No.:0716-215YNP400279 Project Name: Procurement of Teaching Equipment under Construction of Teaching Experimental Base Project of Chuxiong Medical College by KfW Loan 项目名称:德国促进贷款楚雄医药高等专科学校建设教学实验基地项目教学设备采购
To Bidders/致各投标人: As the addendum is waiting for No-Objection from the Fund provider, the deadline for bid submission and bid opening time of project is now postponed to 9:00am Aug 6, 2021(Beijing Time), the room for bid submission and bid opening is changed to No.4 Bid Opening Hall. All other contents of Tender Document remain unchanged. 因澄清文件正在等待资金提供方的不反对意见,现将本项目投标截止和开标时间延期至2021年8月6日上午9:00(北京时间),投标文件递交和开标地点变更为开标厅4。招标文件其他内容保持不变。
Minmeals International Tendering Co., Ltd 五矿国际招标有限责任公司