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全自动铜管缩口机 TRM Series Automatic Copper Tube Shrinking Machine 整机特性: 1. 铜管缩口机主要是针对铜铝管对焊机研发的缩口设备,可以把铜管端口缩小,插入铝管再进行焊接。也可以配套用于 毛细管的焊接缩口设备; 2. 该款缩口机主要用于缩小管材端口,速度快,经过高速旋转及拍打使其内、外径尺寸精准,外表光滑美观; 3. 机器体积小、重量轻、操作简单、使用方便; 4. 可根据不同尺寸要求,模具可任意更换。 技术参数 1. 电源电压:三相380VAC、50/60Hz 2. 电机功率:2.2~7.5KW 3. 缩管直径:Φ4~Φ35mm Main Features 1. Specially designed to reduce mouth of copper tube for Copper Tube.Aluminum Tube Butt Welding machine,It shrinks mouth of copper tube to . to Aluminum Tube,then finish welding.Also can be used to reduce mouth of capillary tube; 2. Mainly used to reduce the mouth of tubes.By high-speed rotating.flapping,the inner.outside diameter of tubes after reducing are very quite accurate,appearance is smooth.beautiful; 3. Small Volume,light weight,easy operation.good use; 4. Shrinking Mold can be replaced in accordance with different diameter requirements. Main Technical Parameters 1、Input Voltage:380~~480VAC 、50/60Hz 2、Motor Power: 2.2~~7.5KW.(Different size of tube, need different power!) 3、Tube Diameter:Φ4~Φ35mm


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