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  • 上海同普
  • 联系人:杨小少(先生)经理
  • 电话:15219498188
  • 手机:057985278050
  • 传真:021-66056892
  • 地址:上海市宝山区阳曲路
美国RoboteQ—中国独家代理  上海同普电力总代理  杨先生:15219498188  QQ:82628038 意大利CFR—中国独家代理    上海同普电力总代理 美国AMC-中国一级代理       上海同普电力一级代理 上海同普电力技术有限公司位于上海的国家级特色产业基地“环同济设计产业圈”同济大学科技园内, 现有研发人员近20名,其中博士6名,硕士5名,公司致力成为国内第一、受人尊敬的自动化工业运动控制领域方案和 服务的引导型集成供应商,上海同普目前已成为美国ROBOTEQ驱动器、意大利CFR、Pitman, MCG, MAE及美国HORNER等多家知名 工控品牌的中,港,澳总代理和技术服务处。 1.直流电机驱动轮系列:可用于大小吨位电动堆高车、电动叉车、电动拣选车、电动托板车。  2.电动导向驱动轮系列(舵轮):供AGV自动导引车、 搬运和安装机器人等高智能工业车辆使用。  3.直流电动泵:自行走车辆及举升设备用。  4.齿轮减速电机系列:AGV自动导引车、 搬运和安装机器人及自动停车设备等用。  5.直流、交流电机系列...
Navitas Vehicle Systems of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada designs, manufactures and markets high performance, microprocessor-based electronic co***ol systems and accessories for a wide variety of electric vehicles (EVs). • Over the last decade the electric vehicle market has been extremely successful in the development of technology and is growing rapidly. Navitas Vehicle Systems is dedicated to providing solutions to this rapidly evolving industry without losing sight of the customers and opportunities that made us what we are today.

• Low speed electric vehicles are an exciting, rapidly-expanding market. Neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs), golf carts and utility terrain vehicles all fall into this category. More and more people are opting for electric versions of these low speed vehicles.
• The growing popularity of this market is apparent in the USA, where most states permit LSVs on regular roads. In North America, we can find communities where NEVs are the main source of transportation. The sport and hunting markets have also embraced the idea of electric utility terrain vehicles.
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