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长期供302-EPM-194 开关量感温棒 302-EPM-194 194°F–Explosionproof,1/2”thread,vert.mtd.3UL–40x40ft. 150°F (66°C) 所有302系列的探测器都是常开的系统,有135华氏度(57摄氏度)和194华氏度(90摄氏度)两种定温度等级。

All 302 Series Detectors are normally open devices and are available in either 135°F (57°C) or 194°F (90°C) ratings. Each unit is constructed with a high expansion .040 anodized aluminum (***铝)sensing shell and fine silver contacts which are hermetically sealed to ensure reliable operation. Electrical Rating (额定电功率)6-28 VDC, 1 amp. (all models)

302-135- Interior, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 135°F Maximum Spacing - UL 50' x 50'
302-194 - Interior, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 194°F Maximum Spacing - UL 50' x 50'

302-ET-135 - All Weather, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 135°F Maximum Spacing - UL 50' x 50'
302-All Weather, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 194°F Maximum Spacing - UL 50' x 50'


302-AW-135 - Moisture and Dust Proof, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 135°F Maximum Spacing - UL 50' x 50'
302-AW-194 - Moisture and Dust Proof, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 194°F Maximum Spacing - UL 50' x 50'
302-EPM-135 - Explosion Proof Screw base, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 135°F Maximum Spacing - UL 40' x 40'
302-EPM-194Explosion Proof Screw base, Vertical Mounting Fixed Temperature 194°F Maximum Spacing - UL 40' x 40'

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