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供应钢制波纹管涵 整装拼装波纹涵管 规格齐全

  • 价格范围:100.00元/米
  • 供应数量:100000000
  • 所在区域:河北
  • 产品类别: 金属材料 >不锈钢
  • 发布时间:2016-05-19 03:02:21
  • 衡水炜荣橡胶工程有限公司
  • 联系人:张丽(女士)营销经理
  • 电话:18730806320
  • 手机:0318-6661388
  • 传真:0318-666-2388
  • 地址:衡水市桃城区橡胶城356号
波纹管涵的优点 (1)涵管、波纹管涵、钢制波纹管涵洞、金属波纹涵管适应地基变形能力强,对地基承载能力、平整度要求较低,工程实际造价比同类跨径的桥、涵洞相近或较低。 (2) 施工工期短是最明显的优势,土建工程与管节安装可分开实施。 (3)进行工厂集中化生产,生产不受环境影响,有利降低成本、控制质量。 (4) 涵管、波纹管涵、钢制波纹管涵洞、金属波纹涵管现场安装方便,不需使用大型设备。 (5) 解决北方寒冷地区(霜冻)对桥梁和管涵砼结构的破坏问题。 (6) 减少或根本舍弃了常规建材,如水泥、黄砂、石子、木材的使用,环保意义深远。 (7) 涵管、波纹管涵、钢制波纹管涵洞、金属波纹涵管结构受力情况合理,荷载分布均匀,并有一定的抗变形能力。 (8) 涵管、波纹管涵、钢制波纹管涵洞、金属波纹涵管采用标准化设计,生产、设计简单,生产周期短。 (9) 波纹涵管有利于改善软土地基结构物与路堤交界处的“错台”现象,提高行车的舒适度与安全性,减少工后营运、养护成本。
 The corrugated pipe culvert is compared with the reinforced concrete pipe culvert, which has the advantages of thin pipe section, light weight, convenient transportation and storage, simple construction technology, fast assembly, short construction period, etc.. When building corrugated pipe can be arbitrarily assembled into any length according to the need, when necessary, the tube section can be dismantled, relocated elsewhere to build, in the absence of gravel material area or foundation bearing a low stress area, the advantages of corrugated pipe culvert is more significant. Corrugated pipe culvert in foreign highway, railway and housing construction has long been widely used, some developed countries not only has a factory for manufacturing corrugated pipe joint and some countries released corrugated pipe culvert design and construction standards or rules. Department of highway and railway, the people's Republic of China has used imported corrugated pipe. At present, our country has specialized in the production of corrugated pipe culvert factory, in view of the many advantages of this pipe culvert, China's steel production has been ranked among the forefront of the world, in our country to promote the application of corrugated pipe culvert is very broad prospects.
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